Focusing efforts on our main club website

Hello!  Welcome to 2019!

As your current Portlandia President, I wanted to let you all know that the Portlandia  Toastmasters Club is focusing its efforts at internet presence on our ToastHost Club website,

We are also starting a social media presence.   Look for news from us on facebook at and on instagram: @portlandiatoastmasters.

And, meet us in person on Thursdays at noon!  We would love to have you!

Time: Thursday 12:05pm – 12:55pm

World Trade Center Building 1
Business Oregon, Governor’s Conference Room
121 SW Salmon, Suite 205, Portland, OR 97204

Escalators and stairs to 2nd floor can be found at the corner of 2nd and SW Salmon

Andrea Matthews

Portlandia TM Club President 2018-2019

New Year

I finally been able to update the contact information for this blog! So behind the ball.

We needed to find a new home since the Portlandia building is being remodeled. Last fall we found a new home with Business Oregon! We are so appreciative of them allowing us to come into their space and continue to meeting on Thursdays . We lost some members in the move. We will miss them!  We are looking at the opportunity to gain new members as the year progresses.

There’s been a change in leadership as Cate moves into VP of Ed role and Jenni stretches Secretary duties to include Treasurer responsibilities.

We continue to explore the new educational Pathways program. Do you know your path yet? Reach out to any of officer for assistance.

It’s a new year! Come check us out in our new space!


Thank you and Welcome!

A huge Thank You to leadership team for 2016-2017! Daniel, Leslie, Ruthanne, Mike, Paula, and Tosin! We have another year under our belt.

We saw some new faces and said goodbye to some long time members for now as they focus more on other life events.

I would like to extend a hearty welcome to new leadership team for 2017-2018.

President – Lisa

Vice President of Education – Cinthia

Vice President of  Membership – Robin L

Secretary – Jenni

Sergeant of Arms – Bryan

I look forward to growing and learning with you as we more forward to a new year!

We are looking for a new meeting space as the Portlandia Building is remodeled. We’ll update information when we have it.

That’s all for now.

Speech Contest Follow Up

What a spring it has been here downtown Portland! Sorry for the delay in posting anything about contests.

We had club members who wanted to participate. Wahoo!

We held International Speech contest first on Feb 23, 2017. Sharon and Daniel were contestants. Daniel was voted the top dog and would advance to Area Contest.

On March 2, 2017 we held Evaluation Speech contest. Tosin, Robin W and Robin L all participated. Tosin was voted the top dog and was eligible to advance to the Area Contest.

Daniel represented the club well on the evening of the area contest. He competed in both International and Evaluation contest as Tosin was not able to attend.  He earned the top spot for International Speech contest.

He competed in the Division F contest and came in 2nd place!

I received a fancy photo with Daniel in it. I tried posting it to this blog and ran into some difficulties as it wasn’t just a picture attachment in email. Rats!

Next speech contests will be in the fall. Look forward to more information later in the summer.

On my mind

Fellow Toastmasters,

Some things on my mind tonight:

Dues are due by April 1st! Remember your “why” of the reason you decided to join. Renew and continue to work on your skills! Do not wait until the last minute. Checks may be accepted paid out to “Portlandia Toastmasters”. Tosin has taken over Treasurer position until the end of June.

Leslie has created role assignments for the next 6 months. If you know you won’t be here on a specific date, let her know so she can update her notes. Remember to take your name off the agenda. If you need help with the website, let Lisa know. If you have a special talk you need us to listen to before the actual day, let Leslie know as well or better yet, trade your spot with the assigned speaker.

If your mentor is no longer with us and you have questions on what you need to do in a role, let club membership team know. We can help you or ask Leslie for a new mentor.

The next big item following speech contests is club membership elections. We will be looking at voting in President  (Daniel), Vice President of Education (Leslie), Vice President of Membership (Lisa), Secretary (Ruthanne), Treasurer (Tosin), Sergeant of Arms, (Ruthanne) Vice President of Public Affairs (currently no one is serving in this capacity). You will hear more about the election as time goes on. The election will be in May/June, with new officers taking office officially on July 1st.

Interested in serving? Let us know! We will gladly answer any questions.

District 7 newsletter contains information a little closer to home. There’s more ways to be involved in Toastmasters than just on a club level!

I hope you are reading Toastmaster International Magazine or reading the online newsletters we receive. I find the articles resourceful and useful.

Those were the thoughts on my mind tonight.

See you at a meeting!




Speech Contests Winners

We recently had our Spring Speech contests, International and Evaluation contests. Thanks for all those who stepped up to be a judge, timer or a contestant!!!!

Pictures to follow at a later date. For now, congratulations go to Daniel Tariku our club’s winner of the International Speech contest and for Tosin Abiodun our club’s winner of the evaluation contest.

Come support them on Wednesday March 22nd 6:00-8:30pm at Connective DX, 2030 NW Pettygrove St. Portland, OR 97209!



Happy New Year!!!

Happy 2017! Many changes heading our way. One constant: Change. Ha.Ha.Ha. We met through the holiday weeks, but had a couple snow days earlier in December. As we look forward to the new year, did you make any resolutions or goals? How about in regards to your public speaking skills or leadership skills?

Calling all goals!!! Maybe a goal is attend to the Toastmasters Leadership Institute training this Saturday in Wilsonville. Registration is required. You should have seen it the announcement in emails. Let me know if you need more details. I’m excited as I can go this year! Yeah, I’m just a little crazy.

I’m also excited to welcome Jessica and Austin to Portlandia Toastmasters Club!

If you haven’t been to a meeting for awhile come join us this week!

Are you a writer? Do you have tips to share with us? Would you like to write posts on this blogsite to help inspire team members? I would like to know your interest. I can arrange for you to have access needed to write. This way you do not need to wait for me to write my thoughts.

That’s all for now! See on Thursday!


Happy Thanksgiving!


untitledNo meeting next Thursday! In the mean time what are YOU Thankful for?

Yesterday’s meeting was another packed house! That is exciting to see. We had 4 guests all from PCC and 2 more guests who are in the process of becoming club members.

We discussed in a leadership meeting about opening this blog up to the club so everyone would have access to post ideas, suggestions, thoughts etc. Look for more information on how to access that and the boundaries regarding this opportunity.

Jim was Toastmaster and gave us the theme of Super Moon. Bryan was General Evaluator. It was a fun packed meeting in which our speakers Marie and Daniel shared themselves with us.  Deliah led us in a creative picture Table Topic session.

We are sorry that some club members decided not to join us this period. Perhaps, they will come visit us again soon.

See you on December 1st!


Contests on Monday and dues due!!!

The Area 73 and 74 Humorous and Table Topics contests will be held this Monday, Sept. 26th from 6:00 to 8:00PM.  The place is the Standard Insurance Building—900 SW 5th Street (Enter 5th ST doors and take escalator down…)


Please attend it if at all you can.  They are looking for volunteers to participate in the contest—judges, timers, ballot counters, etc., but you don’t have to do that if you just want to be there and get entertained.  And if you can bring some goodies to share prior to the contest it would be great.


Also, please remember fees are due now and our Treasurer is patiently waiting for us to send the check (deadline is next week…)
